The Wandering Dervishes - fleeting images of a thought which planted its seed in our minds during the turbulent period of the Covid Years while we juggled between clinical work and tackling the virus in the worker dormitories. It was a diffficult period, but we continued helping our migrant brothers with their health-related queries, especially for the Bengali and Tamil dialect groups as many of them are not well versed in English. Our usual mode was to reach out to them during the onsite trips but a vast majority was through phone calls and online engagement.
Now that covid is not too much of a distant memory, we have gathered our thoughts- brought into fruition - started doing what we do best- that also in the migrant worker community- as we literally speak their language- easing their burden in communicating their health problems wandering across the Island from dormitory to dormitory once every month- meeting our migrant brothers and helping them with their health related problems, guiding them in their journey.
Don't know how much we have made a difference- we are a small group - but we will not stop trying.